Daein Cheong
Office: GEH A202
E-mail: dcheong@wku.edu.cn
ARCH 1000
ARCH 1101
ARCH 3105
Daein Cheong is a Lecturer of Architecture at Wenzhou-Kean University. After completing his Bachelor’s, Master’s, and HMONP at ENSA Paris-Malaquais in France, he worked as a practitioner at Mésarchitecture (Dider Faustino) in Paris and Mass Studies (Minsuk Cho) in Seoul. Since 2021, as the founder of Studio Punctum, he has been involved in various interior renovation projects and exhibition designs, while also engaging in architectural-related writing and translation.
Polemical architecture, ideal architecture: 126 years of history around the Eiffel tower, Munhak, 2015
Research Interests
ocularcentrism in architecture
avant-garde architecture
speculative architecture